This one is my absolute go-to recipe for a delicious juicy piece of meat (that is, since I don't have a BBQ and can't make myself rib eyes every night :( probably for the best...). Sometimes I just make this on the weekends, just because. This time, it was for New Year's dinner with my family. My mom saw a picture of the roast I made for last year's NYE which I spend with Nick, and thought it looked delish, which of course it was.
Beef is pretty intimidating because unless I have a rare to medium-rare cooked cut of expensive fatty beef, it turns out too dry. Or tough. Or both. Luckily, this recipes calls for exactly that expensive fatty beef. I usually use a prime rib roast as the recipe calls for, but this time I couldn't find that cut, so I used a 6 lb rib eye for 4 people. There were lots of left overs since my family, unlike myself, don't pig out on inch-thick pieces of beef. Don't judge me, okay?
These pictures are from this NYE dinner:

The meat wasn't actually fuschia but a nice natural pink. Phone camera, sorry guys. You can see that the crust on top burnt a little bit and I'm gonna blame the unfamiliar oven. Well, myself also, because I should have checked what it looked like on the other side at some point in the beginning. Anyways, it wasn't a big deal.