
Hi there! My name is Ksenia, and here you'll mostly find my things relevant to the kitchen: predominantly, food. Maybe some crafts, random photos, and whatever else I find I want to share. I got into cooking a in the beginning of 2010 and discovered that I love it! I'm hoping that this blog will help starting food enthusiasts to take more risks and to explore the possibilities in the kitchen, even if failure is a very likely outcome.
myselfthe boyfriendthe cat

The boyfriend that gets to eat my creations is Nick, the one you see in my logo up above :) We've been together for a few years, and yes, sometimes he does refuse to eat my failures. I appreciate his honesty - it helps me to narrow down his tastes.

Another creature that is subjected to the side effects of my cooking is my cat. He's simply awesome.

I like taking photos so hopefully the pictures accompanying the posts will make them a bit more interesting. I'm looking forward to hearing about your own successes, failures and tips and tricks! I'll try my best to give info about where I found the recipes that I use so people are credited. I don't like to write too much simply because when I read food blogs I skip the actual stories and skip to pictures and the recipes. Hopefully, I'll be able to stick to the point.

On a technical note, if the pictures don't work, try refreshing a few times. My pictures are being weird ATM. Enjoy!

Take care!

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