Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Self control? What's that?

I find it so hard to say no to myself when it comes to food. How sad is that? Real sad. I regularly raid my fridge for yummy leftover stuff. Pepperoni sticks. Cheese. God forbid there's some cake or pie left over! Oh, I'll just have one tiny slice. Oh god, this is so good, just another nibble. By the time I'm done with that, I've eaten 2 whole pieces' worth.

I never really binge though. I used to when I was younger. I'd sneak downstairs around midnight and eat a bunch of chocolate. Just like that. Oh, those were the days... I also went through a phase where I practically lived on tuna, salad, and water, and had an aversion to anything fried. Lost like 4 pounds! Was pretty proud. But that all passed. And, ironically, those were also the days...

I'm actually surprised that I've been able to more or less maintain my weight within the past year. And now that I've started a 4 week fitness camp, I'm really gonna try this portion control deal. Another big issue. I load up the plate, and eat it so fast that by the time I'm done, I'm ready to lay down if I make it to the couch. Eat slow, they say, but how can I if the food is so delish and I'm oh so hungry??

This has gotta be an addiction of some kind. How. Sad.


CanadianMama said...

We are soul mates for sure!!

Sandra said...

I love CanadianMama's comment! haha I don't think it's an addiction. I think as humans, we just like to eat. It's kind of what keeps up alive. Plus food is good. I haven't met too many platefuls of food I haven't loved! :)